Godmobile Outreach
"Go Into All the World...

...and preach the gospel to everyone!" Mark 16:15


About Us

Godmobile Outreach, Inc. is a tax-deductible, 501(c)(3), evangelistic nonprofit ministry.

Tennessee Godmobile
Godmobile in Tennessee

We are an affiliate of a global, nondenominational organization dedicated to soul-winning and discipleship-training of all people. Our affiliates have over 35 trailers and tents in operation throughout the United States, Canada, Caribbean region, and the Mediterranean island country of Malta.

Malta Godmobile
Godmobile in Malta

We estimate that during our busiest years, over 30,000 people have been led to the Lord through the global Godmobile Ministry. And with several decades in operation, hundreds of thousands of people have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through the combined ministry of many Godmobiles.

Our History

Andy and Bobby Lue Zedwick began this evangelistic ministry with a booth at the Oregon’s Lincoln County Fair. In 1988 the Zedwicks prayed for helpers and were led to Lieselotte and Paul Jenkins. Their vision was to build a booth on wheels.

In 1989 the Zedwicks and Jenkin’s labored together to develop the Godmobile Ministry. Eventually Ray and Loragene Philpot became loyal friends of this ministry, providing financial support to build additional trailers.

In 2000 The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship of Collier County started to raise funds and plan to build Florida’s first Godmobile. After completing building, furnishing, and getting all the materials in it, they opened at the Collier County Fair in 2001.

In 2004 Tom and Marcy Walters started volunteering at the Godmobile. In 2006 Tom Walters was appointed treasurer of the Godmobile Outreach. In 2006 the Godmobile made its grand opening in the Southwest Florida and Lee County Fair, with which it continues to participate each year along many other events.

In 2009 our website was established. This website offers new believers the opportunity to learn from the Basic Christianity Courses online. This is very important since we have had the incredible privilege of seeing people all around the world accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The "Two-Question Test" is on this website, allowing people to take the test anytime day or night. Best of all, everything on the website is available in over 150 different languages.

In 2011 The Naples Chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship transitioned the Godmobile to Tom and Marcy Walters to direct this outreach. The Godmobile at this time took on a new look.

In 2015 God blessed the Godmobile Outreach with the second Godmobile, called "Godmobile #2." On completion of Godmobile #2, the original Godmobile ("Godmobile #1"), was transferred to be used in Sebastian, Florida. You can see pictures of these Godmobiles under About > Photos.

In 2017 Todd Crant started the Godmobile on the island of Malta.

In 2022 Godmobile Outreach purchased two tents—one for Fort Myers, Florida at events for which the trailer is too large, and another for Sebastian, Florida. Godmobile #1 returned to Fort Myers, Florida in 2023 to be repaired, updated, rewrapped, and transferred to Mountain City, Tennessee.

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